NeuroSolutions for Excel is a Microsoft Excel add-in that simplifies and enhances the process of getting data into and out of a NeuroSolutions neural network. This tool benefits both the novice and the advanced neural network developer by offering easy to use, yet extremely powerful features. The foremost feature of this product is that all tasks can be performed directly from Excel!
The Custom Solution Wizard does more than just create an isolated DLL. It integrates the DLL into a working sample application, giving you an excellent starting point for your own application. Sample applications can be created for Visual Basic, Access, Excel, Visual C++ and Active Server Pages (ASP web pages). In addition, you can also use the CSW to develop custom neural network models for our financial analysis product, TradingSolutions.
The NeuroSolutions for MATLAB neural network toolbox is avaluable addition to MATLAB's technical computing capabilities allowing users to leverage the power of NeuroSolutions inside MATLAB. The toolbox features 15 neural models, 5 learning algorithms and a host of useful utilities integrated in an easy-to-use interface, which requires "next to no knowledge" of neural networks to begin using the product.
“Introduction to Neural Network:A practical approach with NeuroSolutions” is a one-day hands-on workshop that focus on fundamental concepts and techniques for analysis and design of neural computation as an approach to intelligent problem solving. A great feature of the course is that the teaching material will illustrate practical graphical neural network development tools (NeuroSolutions) that enable you to easily create a neural networks model from your data. The course also illustrate the process of building of neural network directly from Excel that simplifies and enhances the process of getting data into and out of a neural network.
TradingSolutions is a software product that helps you make better trading decisions by combining traditional technical analysis with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence technologies. Use any combination of financial indicators in conjunction with advanced neural networks and genetic algorithms to create trading models that are remarkably effective.


Genetic Server and Genetic Library

Genetic Server and Genetic Library provide general purpose APIs for genetic algorithm design. Genetic Server is an ActiveX component that can be used to easily build custom genetic applications in Visual Basic. Genetic Library is a C++ library that can be used for building custom genetic applications in Visual C++. There are no royalties for distributing applications built with either of these products.


Both products include extensive on-line help documenting the APIs as well as genetic algorithm theory. In addition, there are multiple examples with corresponding source code that can be pulled from in order to get up and running faster. In a recent reveiw, said the "Genetic Server has excellent features, documentation and functionality." and gave the product an overall rating of 90% out of 100%.

What are Genetic Algorithms?

Genetic algorithms are general-purpose search algorithms based upon the principles of evolution observed in nature. Genetic algorithms combine selection , crossover , and mutation operators with the goal of finding the best solution to a problem. Genetic algorithms search for this optimal solution until a specified termination criterion is met.

The solution to a problem is called a chromosome . A chromosome is made up of a collection of genes which are simply the parameters to be optimized. A genetic algorithm creates an initial population (a collection of chromosomes), evaluates this population, then evolves the population through multiple generations (using the genetic operators discussed above) in the search for a good solution for the problem at hand.

Genetic algorithms can be applied to a wide variety of optimization problems such as scheduling, computer games, stock market trading, medical, adaptive control, transportation, the traveling salesmen problem, etc.

Genetic Algorithms: Mutation

Mutation is a genetic operator that alters one ore more gene values in a chromosome from its initial state. This can result in entirely new gene values being added to the gene pool. With these new gene values, the genetic algorithm may be able to arrive at better solution than was previously possible. Mutation is an important part of the genetic search as help helps to prevent the population from stagnating at any local optima. Mutation occurs during evolution according to a user-definable mutation probability. This probability should usually be set fairly low (0.01 is a good first choice). If it is set to high, the search will turn into a primitive random search.

Genetic Server and Genetic Library include the following types of mutation:

Flip Bit -A mutation operator that simply inverts the value of the chosen gene (0 goes to 1 and 1 goes to 0). This mutation operator can only be used for binary genes.

Boundary - A mutation operator that replaces the value of the chosen gene with either the upper or lower bound for that gene (chosen randomly). This mutation operator can only be used for integer and float genes.

Non-Uniform - A mutation operator that increases the probability that the amount of the mutation will be close to 0 as the generation number increases. This mutation operator keeps the population from stagnating in the early stages of the evolution then allows the genetic algorithm to fine tune the solution in the later stages of evolution. This mutation operator can only be used for integer and float genes.

Uniform - A mutation operator that replaces the value of the chosen gene with a uniform random value selected between the user-specified upper and lower bounds for that gene. This mutation operator can only be used for integer and float genes.

Gaussian - A mutation operator that adds a unit Gaussian distributed random value to the chosen gene. The new gene value is clipped if it falls outside of the user-specified lower or upper bounds for that gene. This mutation operator can only be used for integer and float genes.

Genetic Algorithms: Crossover

Crossover is a genetic operator that combines (mates) two chromosomes (parents) to produce a new chromosome (offspring). The idea behind crossover is that the new chromosome may be better than both of the parents if it takes the best characteristics from each of the parents. Crossover occurs during evolution according to a user-definable crossover probability.

Genetic Server and Genetic Library include the following types of crossover:

One Point
A crossover operator that randomly selects a crossover point within a chromosome then interchanges the two parent chromosomes at this point to produce two new offspring.

Consider the following 2 parents which have been selected for crossover. The “|” symbol indicates the randomly chosen crossover point.

Parent 1: 11001|010
Parent 2: 00100|111

After interchanging the parent chromosomes at the crossover point, the following offspring are produced:

Offspring1: 11001|111
Offspring2: 00100|010

Two Point
A crossover operator that randomly selects two crossover points within a chromosome then interchanges the two parent chromosomes between these points to produce two new offspring.

Consider the following 2 parents which have been selected for crossover. The “|” symbols indicate the randomly chosen crossover points.

Parent 1: 110|010|10
Parent 2: 001|001|11

After interchanging the parent chromosomes between the crossover points, the following offspring are produced:

Offspring1: 110|001|10
Offspring2: 001|010|11

A crossover operator that decides (with some probability – know as the mixing ratio) which parent will contribute each of the gene values in the offspring chromosomes. This allows the parent chromosomes to be mixed at the gene level rather than the segment level (as with one and two point crossover). For some problems, this additional flexibility outweighs the disadvantage of destroying building blocks.

Consider the following 2 parents which have been selected for crossover:

Parent 1: 11001010
Parent 2: 00100111

If the mixing ratio is 0.5, approximately half of the genes in the offspring will come from parent 1 and the other half will come from parent 2. Below is a possible set of offspring after uniform crossover:


Note: The subscripts indicate which parent the gene came from.

A crossover operator that linearly combines two parent chromosome vectors to produce two new offspring according to the following equations:

Offspring1 = a * Parent1 + (1- a) * Parent2
Offspring2 = (1 – a) * Parent1 + a * Parent2

where a is a random weighting factor (chosen before each crossover operation).

Consider the following 2 parents (each consisting of 4 float genes) which have been selected for crossover:

Parent 1: (0.3)(1.4)(0.2)(7.4)
Parent 2: (0.5)(4.5)(0.1)(5.6)

If a = 0.7, the following two offspring would be produced:

Offspring1: (0.36)(2.33)(0.17)(6.86)
Offspring2: (0.402)(2.981)(0.149)(6.842)

A crossover operator that uses the fitness values of the two parent chromosomes to determine the direction of the search. The offspring are created according to the following equations:

Offspring1 = BestParent + r * (BestParentWorstParent)
Offspring2 = BestParent

where r is a random number between 0 and 1.

It is possible that Offspring1 will not be feasible. This can happen if r is chosen such that one or more of its genes fall outside of the allowable upper or lower bounds. For this reason, heuristic crossover has a user settable parameter (n) for the number of times to try and find an r that results in a feasible chromosome. If a feasible chromosome is not produced after n tries, the WorstParent is returned as Offspring1.

Genetic Algorithms: Selection

Selection is a genetic operator that chooses a chromosome from the current generation’s population for inclusion in the next generation’s population. Before making it into the next generation’s population, selected chromosomes may undergo crossover and / or mutation (depending upon the probability of crossover and mutation) in which case the offspring chromosome(s) are actually the ones that make it into the next generation’s population.

Genetic Server and Genetic Library include the following types of selection:

Roulette - A selection operator in which the chance of a chromosome getting selected is proportional to its fitness (or rank). This is where the concept of survival of the fittest comes into play.

Tournament - A selection operator which uses roulette selection N times to produce a tournament subset of chromosomes. The best chromosome in this subset is then chosen as the selected chromosome. This method of selection applies addition selective pressure over plain roulette selection.

Top Percent - A selection operator which randomly selects a chromosome from the top N percent of the population as specified by the user.

Best - A selection operator which selects the best chromosome (as determined by fitness). If there are two or more chromosomes with the same best fitness, one of them is chosen randomly.

Random - A selection operator which randomly selects a chromosome from the population.

Genetic Algorithms: Termination

Termination is the criterion by which the genetic algorithm decides whether to continue searching or stop the search. Each of the enabled termination criterion is checked after each generation to see if it is time to stop.

Genetic Server and Genetic Library include the following types of termination:

Generation Number - A termination method that stops the evolution when the user-specified max number of evolutions have been run. This termination method is always active.

Evolution Time - A termination method that stops the evolution when the elapsed evolution time exceeds the user-specified max evolution time. By default, the evolution is not stopped until the evolution of the current generation has completed, but this behavior can be changed so that the evolution can be stopped within a generation.

Fitness Threshold - A termination method that stops the evolution when the best fitness in the current population becomes less than the user-specified fitness threshold and the objective is set to minimize the fitness. This termination method also stops the evolution when the best fitness in the current population becomes greater than the user-specified fitness threshold when the objective is to maximize the fitness.

Fitness Convergence - A termination method that stops the evolution when the fitness is deemed as converged. Two filters of different lengths are used to smooth the best fitness across the generations. When the smoothed best fitness from the long filter is less than a user-specified percentage away from the smoothed best fitness from the short filter, the fitness is deemed as converged and the evolution terminates.

Population Convergence - A termination method that stops the evolution when the population is deemed as converged.
The population is deemed as converged when the average fitness across the current population is less than a user-specified percentage away from the best fitness of the current population.

Gene Convergence - A termination method that stops the evolution when a user-specified percentage of the genes that make up a chromosome are deemed as converged. A gene is deemed as converged when the average value of that gene across all of the chromosomes in the current population is less than a user-specified percentage away from the maximum gene value across the chromosomes.

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